Reston for a Lifetime

Most of our Reston friends are getting close to being or are already elderly and, like most older Americans, almost all wish to stay at home, independent and out of institutions for as long as possible. Because of my background in aging, I’m often asked about things related to aging in place, the ability to stay in your own home for as long as possible, in this community. In 202, that’s why I partnered with Sharon Canner, a fellow Restonian, to build a new website we call Reston for a Lifetime.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Across the country and here in Fairfax County, Virginia, neighbors have banded together to help neighbors when someone needs assistance with chores, simple home maintenance tasks, shopping, or a ride. In some communities, residents have formed “villages” using a concept originally developed on Beacon Hill in Boston.

But in Reston, we have not yet formed a community-wide village. Instead, we are encouraging neighbors to band together with others such as in a townhouse cluster and help older neighbors (or someone with a disability or serious illness) with things that allow them to remain in their homes. Things like a ride, shopping, easy handyman tasks, raking the yard or getting the mail.

Reston for a Lifetime offers a toolkit that can allow a homeowner’s association board of directors or any group of residents to get started. In addition, visitors to the site can subscribe to a monthly newsletter that shares updates on useful resources, events and other news of interest.

Hundreds of Resources

Reston is part of Fairfax County that is rich in resources that allow someone to live as independently as possible for as long as possible. So, Reston for a Lifetime lists many non-profit and government resources that can help individuals, caregivers or neighbors find a program that can help. The resources are organized into sections including: caregiving, healthy aging, housing, legal help, long term services and supports, paying for care, and transportation.

Visit Reston for a Lifetime

Whether you’re a Reston resident looking for resources that foster aging in place or you’re interested in forming a Neighbors Helping Neighbors program, Reston for a Lifetime is the place to start.